Some of our direct-feed clients prefer a “pull” delivery method, whether it’s FTP pull, http get or our RESTful API. The challenge with a pull delivery method is that it forces you, the client, to apply business rules to your pull frequency in order to be as efficient as possible. These rules can sometimes be complicated in nature, especially if you receive multiple sports or various types of data. It’s also possible your in-house or third-party development team may not watch or understand all the nuances and expectations of the 500+ leagues that we cover. Inefficient pull frequencies can end up affecting your bottom line—if you aren’t optimizing according to the sports you are developing for, you are costing yourself time and money in bandwidth, processing power, speed and timeliness.
Luckily, there are two great solutions to this problem. First, for every pull feed we have, we have a push feed equivalent. XML FTP, JSON HTTP post (sourced via our API), socket, custom files, etc.—it’s the identical structure and content you pull from us now, but available via push—and at the perfect frequency. As soon as a play is updated, we push out the data. If the game was yesterday, but there is a stat change, we push out the data. No matter how a sport works or the frequency of a certain type of data, we know when to push it to you. Save yourself time, money and effort, and let us push the data to you.
Second, if you do prefer pull, your dedicated client manager is here to help. Our client managers are well-versed in the behaviors and update frequencies of the feeds we offer for the sports we cover. They are at your disposal and are eager to answer all of your technical questions, so by all means run your frequency and timing plan by them. If necessary, ask them to sit in on calls with your developers. We’ve built information in our feeds so that the proper frequency can be dynamically coded on your end; if your developers aren’t properly utilizing that, our client managers can help them.
Learn more about our sports data feed/API.